The following species of angiosperms shed their pollen in permanent tetrads. Family names have been reconciled to the Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) III (Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161, 128–131) and may differ from those listed in the original reference. Genus and species names have been reconciled to Kew’s Plants of the World Online ( Synonymous names are listed under accepted names when available. This database is an update of our publication entitled: Copenhaver GP (2005) A Compendium of Plant Species Producing Pollen Tetrads. J. N. Carolina Acad. of Sci. 121(1): 17-35. If you know of a species that isn't listed please send us the reference! (last updated July 25, 2017)
Genus | species | reference
Saurauia ampla Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia avellana Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia clementis Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia copelandii Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia elegans Dickison et al., 1982
Saurauia glabra Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia klemmei Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia latibractea Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia merrillii Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia papillulosa Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia polysperma Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia sparsiflora Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Saurauia whitfordii Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Genus | species | reference
Stenomesson chloranthum Meerow & van der Werff, 2004
Stenomesson leucanthum Meerow & van der Werff, 2004
Genus | species | reference
Anisophyllea manausensis Prance et al., 1975
Genus | species | reference
Annona acuminata Walker, 1971
Annona acutiflora Walker, 1971
Annona amambayensis Walker, 1971
Annona ambotay Walker, 1971
Annona angustifolia Walker, 1971
Annona aurantiaca Walker, 1971
Annona bullata Walker, 1971
Annona cacans Walker, 1971
Annona cascarilloides Walker, 1971
Annona cherimola Lora, 2009
Annona cherimolioides Walker, 1971
Annona conica Walker, 1971
Annona cordifolia Walker, 1971
Annona cornifolia Walker, 1971
Annona crassiflora Walker, 1971
Annona crassivenia Walker, 1971
Annona dioica Walker, 1971
Annona diversifolia Walker, 1971
Annona foetida Walker, 1971
Annona glabra Tsou, 2002
Annona haematantha Walker, 1971
Annona haitiensis Walker, 1971
Annona hypoglauca Walker, 1971
Annona jahnii Walker, 1971
Annona jamaicensis Walker, 1971
Annona longiflora Walker, 1971
Annona lutescens Walker, 1971
Annona macroprophyllata Walker, 1971
Annona moaensis Walker, 1971
Annona montana Tsou, 2002
Annona muricata Walker, 1971
Annona nutans Walker, 1971
Annona paludosa Walker, 1971
Annona pittieri Walker, 1971
Annona praetermissa Walker, 1971
Annona primigenia Walker, 1971
Annona purpurea Walker, 1971
Annona quinduensis Walker, 1971
Annona reticulata Walker, 1971
Annona rigida Walker, 1971
Annona scleroderma Walker, 1971
Annona sclerophylla Walker, 1971
Annona senegalensis Walker, 1971
Annona sericea Walker, 1971
Annona spraguei Walker, 1971
Annona squamosa Walker, 1971
Annona stenophylla Walker, 1971
Annona tenuiflora Walker, 1971
Annona tessmanii Walker, 1971
Annona tomentosa Walker, 1971
Annona tripetala Erdtman, 1952
Asimina angustifolia Bailey & Nast, 1943
Asimina incana Walker, 1971
Asimina longifolia Walker, 1971
Asimina obovata Walker, 1971
Asimina parviflora Walker, 1971
Asimina pygmaea Walker, 1971
Asimina reticulata Walker, 1971
Asimina speciosa Walker, 1971
Asimina tetramera Walker, 1971
Asimina triloba Walker, 1971
Asteranthe asterias Couvreur et al., 2008
Asteranthe lutea Couvreur et al., 2008
Bocagea longipedunculata Johnson & Murray, 1995
Bocagea viridis Johnson & Murray, 1995
Cananga latifolia Walker, 1971
Cananga odorata Walker, 1971
Deeringothamnus pulchellus Walker, 1971
Deeringothamnus rugelii Walker, 1971
Diclinanona calycina Walker, 1971
Duckeanthus grandiflorus Walker, 1971
Fusaea decurrens Walker, 1971
Fusaea longifolia Walker, 1971
Fusaea peruviana Chatrou & He, 1999
Goniothalamus amuyon Tsou & Johnson, 2003
Goniothalamus aurantiacus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus calvicarpus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus chartaceus Walker, 1971
Goniothalamus cheliensis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus curtisii Walker, 1971
Goniothalamus elegans Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus expansus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus giganteus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus grandiflorus Walker, 1971
Goniothalamus griffithii Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus laoticus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus latestigma Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus macrophyllus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus maewongensis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus malayanus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus nitidus Walker, 1971
Goniothalamus puncticulifolius Walker, 1971
Goniothalamus repevensis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus ridleyi Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus rotundisepalus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus rungklanus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus saigonensis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus sawtehii Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus scortechinii Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus tamirensis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus tapis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus tavoyensis Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus tenuifolius Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus tortilipetalus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus undulatus Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus uvarioides Saunders & Charlermglin, 2008
Goniothalamus velutinus Walker, 1971
Hexalobus bussei Couvreur et al., 2008
Hexalobus crispiflorus Couvreur et al., 2008
Hexalobus monopetalus Walker, 1971
Hexalobus mossambicensis Couvreur et al., 2008
Hexalobus salicifolius Couvreur et al., 2008
Isolona zenkeri Couvreur et al., 2008
Meiocarpidium lepidotum Walker, 1971
Mischogyne elliotianum Knox & McConchie, 1986
Mitrephora fragrans Walker, 1971
Mitrephora glabra Walker, 1971
Mitrephora macclurei Gan et al., 2015
Mitrephora macrantha Walker, 1971
Mitrephora reticulata Walker, 1971
Mitrephora samarensis Walker, 1971
Mitrephora thorelii Walker, 1971
Mitrephora tomentosa Gan et al., 2015
Mitrephora wangii Gan et al., 2015
Mitrephora weberi Walker, 1971
Mitrephora williamsii Walker, 1971
Mkilua fragrans Johnson & Murray, 1995
Monodora angolensis Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora brevipes Walker, 1971
Monodora carolinae Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora crispata Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora globiflora Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora grandidieri Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora hastipetala Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora junodii Walker, 1971
Monodora laurentii Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora minor Tsou & Johnson, 2003
Monodora myristica Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora stenopetala Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora tenuifolia Couvreur et al., 2008
Monodora undulata Couvreur et al., 2008
Neostenanthera gabonensis Walker, 1971
Neostenanthera hamata Walker, 1971
Neostenanthera myristicifolia Walker, 1971
Ophrypetalum odoratum Walker, 1976
Orophea luzonensis Walker, 1976
Polyalthia flava Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Polyalthia rumphii Gan et al., 2015
Pseudoxandra coriacea Walker, 1971
Pseudoxandra guianensis Walker, 1971
Pseudoxandra leiophylla Walker, 1971
Pseudoxandra lucida Walker, 1971
Pseudoxandra polyphleba Walker, 1971
Pseudoxandra williamsii Walker, 1971
Pseuduvaria aurantiaca Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria beccarii Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria borneensis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria bruneiensis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria cerina Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria clemensii Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria coriacea Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria costata Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria cymosa Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria dielsiana Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria froggattii Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria galeata Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria glabrescens Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria grandifolia Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria hylandii Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria kingiana Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria latifolia Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria lignocarpa Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria luzonensis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria macgregorii Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria macrocarpa Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria macrophylla Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria mindorensis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria mollis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria mulgraveana Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria multiovulata Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria nova-guineensis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria obliqua Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria oxycarpa Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria pamattonis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria parvipetala Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria philippinensis Walker, 1971
Pseuduvaria pulchella Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria reticulata Walker, 1971
Pseuduvaria rugosa Walker, 1971
Pseuduvaria sessilifolia Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria setosa Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria silvestris Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria taipingensis Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria trimera Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria unguiculata Su & Saunders, 2003
Pseuduvaria versteegii Walker, 1971
Pseuduvaria villosa Su & Saunders, 2003
Raimondia quinduensis Walker, 1971
Richella monosperma Walker, 1971
Uvariastrum hexaloboides Walker, 1971
Uvariastrum insculptum Couvreur et al., 2008
Uvariastrum pierreanum Walker, 1971
Uvariastrum pynaertii Knox & McConchie, 1986
Uvariastrum zenkeri Walker, 1971
Uvariopsis congensis Gosling et al., 2013
Uvariopsis congolana Knox & McConchie, 1986
Uvariopsis guineensis Walker, 1971
Uvariopsis zenkeri Walker, 1971
Xylopia aethiopica Walker, 1971
Xylopia africana Walker, 1971
Xylopia arenaria Tsou & Johnson, 2003
Xylopia aromatica Walker, 1971
Xylopia brasiliensis Walker, 1971
Xylopia calophylla Leal, 2011
Xylopia densiflora Walker, 1971
Xylopia discreta Walker, 1976
Xylopia ferruginea Walker, 1971
Xylopia frutescens Walker, 1971
Xylopia grandiflora Erdtman, 1952
Xylopia laevigata Walker, 1971
Xylopia macrantha Walker, 1971
Xylopia micans Walker, 1971
Xylopia nitida Walker, 1971
Xylopia parviflora Tsou & Johnson, 2003
Xylopia poeppigii Walker, 1971
Xylopia polyantha Walker, 1971
Xylopia sericea Walker, 1971
Genus | species | reference
Apocynum androsaemifolium Nilsson et al., 1993
Apocynum cannabinum Kapp, 1969
Apocynum medium Trigg et al., 2013a
Apocynum pictum Nilsson, 1993
Apocynum venetum von Mohl, 1834
Asclepias purpurascens Erdtman, 1952
Baroniella camptocarpoides Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Baroniella linearis Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Baseonema gregori Venter and Verhoeven, 2009
Batesanthus pseudopalpus Venter and Verhoeven, 2009
Batesanthus purpureus Venter and Verhoeven, 2009
Buckollia volubilis Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Buckollia tomentosa Verhoeven et al., 1989
Camptocarpus acuminatus Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Camptocarpus crassifolius Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Camptocarpus linearis Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Camptocarpus mauritianus Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Camptocarpus semihastatus Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Camptocarpus sphenophylla Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Chlorocyathus lobulata Venter et al., 2006
Chlorocyathus monteiroae Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Condylocarpon amazonicum Van Der Ham et al., 2001
Condylocarpon guyanense Van Der Ham et al., 2001
Condylocarpon isthmicum Van Der Ham et al., 2001
Condylocarpon pubiflorum Van Der Ham et al., 2001
Craspidospermum verticillatum Van de Ven & Van Der Ham, 2006
Cryptolepis africana Venter & Verhoeven, 2007
Cryptolepis albicans Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Cryptolepis capensis Joubert, 2007
Cryptolepis cryptolepioides Joubert, 2007
Cryptolepis decidua Joubert, 2007
Cryptolepis delagoensis Joubert, 2007
Cryptolepis dubia Nilsson et al., 1993
Cryptolepis ibayana Joubert et al., 2008
Cryptolepis macrophylla Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Cryptolepis migiurtina Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Cryptolepis nugaalensis Venter, Thulin, et al., 2006
Cryptolepis oblongifolia Nilsson et al., 1993
Cryptolepis obtusa Joubert, 2007
Cryptolepis sinensis Huang, 1972
Cryptolepis somaliensis Venter, Thulin, et al., 2006
Cryptostegia grandifolia Nilsson et al., 1993
Cryptostegia madagascariensis Huang, 1972
Cyprinia gracilis Verhoeven & Venter, 1994
Decalepis hamiltonii Raju & Ramana, 2009
Ectadium latifolium Nilsson et al., 1993
Epistemma rupestre Verhoeven & Venter, 2002
Gymnanthera cunninghamii Forster, 1991
Gymnanthera oblonga Forster, 1991
Hemidesmus indicus Nilsson et al., 1993
Ischnolepis graminifolia Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Melodinus orientalis Van de Ven & Van Der Ham, 2006
Mondia ecornuta Venter et al., 2009
Mondia whitei Venter et al., 2009
Omphalogonus calophyllus Venter, 2009
Pentopetia androsaemifolium Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Pentopetia cotoneaster Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Pentopetia grevei Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Pergularia demia Prabhakar et al., 2015
Periploca acuminata Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Periploca aphylla Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Periploca calophylla Verhoeven & Venter, 1994
Periploca chevalieri Verhoeven & Venter, 1994
Periploca ephedriformis Erdtman, 1952
Periploca graceae Dane, 2000
Periploca graeca Nilsson et al., 1993
Periploca hydaspidis Shah & Ahmad, 2014
Periploca laevigata Nilsson et al., 1993
Periploca linearifolia Verhoeven & Venter, 1994
Periploca sepium Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Periploca somaliense Verhoeven & Venter, 1994
Periploca visciformis Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Periploca nigrescens Venter, 2009
Petopenita natalensis Nilsson et al., 1993
Petopenita undulata Venter & Venter, 2013
Raphionacme angolensis Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme arabica Venter, 2009a
Raphionacme borenensis Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme brownii Vinckier & Smets, 2002
Raphionacme caerulea Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme chimanimaniana Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme dyeri Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme elsana Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme flanaganii Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme galpinii Nilsson et al., 1993
Raphionacme globosa Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme grandiflora Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme haeneliae Venter, 2009a
Raphionacme hirsuta Nilsson et al., 1993
Raphionacme inconspicua Venter, 2009a
Raphionacme keayi Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme lanceolata Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme linearis Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme longifolia Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme longituba Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme lucens Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme madiensis Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Raphionacme michelii Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme moyalica Venter, 2009a
Raphionacme namibiana Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme palustris Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Raphionacme procumbens Nilsson et al., 1993
Raphionacme pulchella Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme splendens Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme splendens subsp. bingeri Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme sylvicola Venter, 2009a
Raphionacme utilis Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme velutina Nilsson et al., 1993
Raphionacme vignei Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme villicorona Venter et al., 2007
Raphionacme welwitschii Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Raphionacme zeyheri Verhoeven & Venter, 1988
Schlechterella abyssinica Verhoeven & Venter, 2001
Tacazzea apiculata Nilsson et al., 1993
Tacazzea conferta Verhoeven et al., 1989
Tacazzea rosmarinifolia Verhoeven et al., 1989
Tacazzea venosa Verhoeven et al., 1989
Genus | species | reference
Chlorospatha dodsonii Halbritter, 2010
Chlorospatha feuersteiniae Bogner & Hannon, 2007
Chlorospatha hastifolia Bogner & Hannon, 2007
Chlorospatha kolbii Halbritter, 2010
Xanthosoma conspurcatum Chouteau et al., 2008
Xanthosoma cubense Erdtman, 1952
Xanthosoma narinoense Bogner & Hannon, 2007
Xanthosoma plowmanii Mayo & Bogner, 1988
Xanthosoma robustum Erdtman, 1952
Xanthosoma striatipes Grayum, 1986
Genus | species | reference
Beschorneria yuccoides Hesse et al., 2009
Furcraea foetida Alvarez & Kohler, 1987
Furcraea hexapetala Alvarez & Kohler, 1987
Furcraea parmentieri Hesse et al., 2009
Genus | species | reference
Begonia luxurians Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Sinopodophyllum hexandrum Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Catalpa bignoniodes Beug H-J, 1961
Catalpa bungei Halbritter, 2008
Catalpa ovata Erdtman, 1952
Catalpa speciosa Erdtman, 1952
Chilopsis linearis Gentry & Tomb, 1979
Cuspidaria floribunda Gentry & Tomb, 1979
Genus | species | reference
Androlepis skinneri Halbritter, 2012
Cryptanthus rubescens Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Apteria aphylla Chakrapani & Raj, 2009
Burmannia aprica Chakrapani & Raj, 2009
Burmannia longifolia Caddick et al., 1998
Burmannia sphagnoides Guinet, 1965
Genus | species | reference
Rhipsalis pulchra Freitas et al., 2009
Genus | species | reference
Kielmeyera coriacea Erdtman, 1952
Kielmeyera decipiens Gomes, 2012
Kielmeyera gracilis Gomes, 2012
Kielmeyera insignis Gomes, 2012
Kielmeyera rizziniana Gomes, 2012
Kielmeyera variabilis Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Chimonanthus praecox Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Bequaertia mucronata Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Campylostemon angolense Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Campylostemon laurentii Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Campylostemon mitrophorum Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Campylostemon warneckeanum Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Celenospermum toxicum Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Hippocratea myriantha Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Hippocratea vignei Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Tristemonanthus mildbraedianus Van Campo & Halle, 1959
Genus | species | reference
Clethra occidentalis Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Cornus amomum Erdtman, 1952
Melanophylla alnifolia Erdtman, 1952
Melanophylla aucubifolia Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Borneosicyos simplex Van Der Ham & Van Heuven, 2003
Gurania acuminata Leal, 2011
Gurania bignoniacea Estrada & Jiggins, 2002
Gurania huberi Leal, 2011
Gurania lobata Erdtman, 1952
Gurania makoyana Erdtman, 1952
Psiguria triphylla Ayala-Nieto et al, 1988
Psiguria warcsewiczii Estrada & Jiggins, 2002
Genus | species | reference
Carex alba Halbritter, 2005
Carex blanda Brown & Lemmon, 2000
Carex humilis Stingl, 2005
Carex remota Halbritter, 2005b
Cladium mariscus Nilsson & Praglowski, 1992
Genus | species | reference
Cytinus baroni Erdtman, 1952
Cytinus capensis Van Zinderen Bakker, 1953
Cytinus dioecus Erdtman, 1952
Cytinus hypocistis Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Datisca cannabina Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Aldrovanda vesiculosa Knox & McConchie, 1986
Dionaea muscipula Kapp, 1969
Drosera aliciae Halbritter, 2012
Drosera anglica Erdtman et al., 1961
Drosera banksii Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera binata Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera burmanni Katiyar (1982)
Drosera capensis Takahashi, 1988
Drosera cistiflora Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera cuneifolia Van Zinderen Bakker, 1956
Drosera erythrorhiza Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera filiformis Chanda, 1965
Drosera glanduligera Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera hamiltonii Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera indica Katiyar (1982)
Drosera intermedia Erdtman, 1943
Drosera macrantha Chanda, 1965
Drosera paleacea Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera pallida Thanikaimoni & Vasanthy, 1972
Drosera peltata Huang, 1972
Drosera petiolaris Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera pulchella Halbritter, 2012
Drosera pygmaea Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera regia Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera rotundifolia Erdtman, 1943
Drosera sessilifolia Knox & McConchie, 1986
Drosera spathulata Jones, 1964
Drosera trinervia Van Zinderen Bakker, 1956
Genus | species | reference
Diospyros longiflora Geeraerts, 2009
Diospyros mannii Geeraerts, 2009
Genus | species | reference
Acrothamnus hookeri Smith-White, 1955
Acrothamnus montanus Franks & Watson, 1963
Acrotriche affinis Schneemilch, 2011
Acrotriche depressa Schneemilch, 2011
Acrotriche divaricata Franks & Watson, 1963
Acrotriche fasciculiflora Smith-White, 1955
Acrotriche ovalifolia Franks & Watson, 1963
Acrotriche patula Schneemilch, 2011
Acrotriche serrulata Franks & Watson, 1963
Agapetes grandiflora Nair & Kothari (1985)
Agapetes griffithii Nair & Kothari (1985)
Agapetes loranthiflora Nair & Kothari (1985)
Agapetes macrocantha Nair & Kothari (1985)
Agapetes macrophylla Nair & Kothari (1985)
Agapetes obovata Nair & Kothari (1985)
Agapetes serpens Sharma, 2011
Agarista chlorantha Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Agarista coriifolia Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Agarista duckei Leal, 2011
Agarista eucalyptoides Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Agarista populifolia Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Agauria salicifolia Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Andersonia amabile Lemson, 2011
Andersonia annelsii Lemson, 2011
Andersonia aristata Lemson, 2011
Andersonia audax Lemson, 2011
Andersonia auriculata Lemson, 2011
Andersonia axilliflora Lemson, 2011
Andersonia bifida Lemson, 2011
Andersonia blepharifolia Lemson, 2011
Andersonia brevifolia Lemson, 2011
Andersonia caerulea Lemson, 2011
Andersonia carinata Lemson, 2011
Andersonia coerulea Smith-White, 1955
Andersonia depressa Lemson, 2011
Andersonia echidna Lemson, 2011
Andersonia echinocephala Lemson, 2011
Andersonia fallax Lemson, 2011
Andersonia ferricola Lemson, 2011
Andersonia geniculata Lemson, 2011
Andersonia gracilis Lemson, 2011
Andersonia grandiflora Smith-White, 1955
Andersonia hammersleyana Lemson, 2011
Andersonia heterophylla Furness, 2009
Andersonia involucrata Lemson, 2011
Andersonia jamesii Lemson, 2011
Andersonia latiflora Lemson, 2011
Andersonia lehmanniana Lemson, 2011
Andersonia longifolia Lemson, 2011
Andersonia mysosma Lemson, 2011
Andersonia nymphaea Lemson, 2011
Andersonia opalescens Lemson, 2011
Andersonia parvifolia Lemson, 2011
Andersonia pinaster Lemson, 2011
Andersonia redolens Lemson, 2011
Andersonia saxatilis Lemson, 2011
Andersonia setifolia Lemson, 2011
Andersonia simplex Lemson, 2011
Andersonia sprengelioides Smith-White, 1955
Andersonia virolens Lemson, 2011
Andromeda glaucophylla Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Andromeda polifolia Erdtman, 1943
Androstoma empetrifolia Franks & Watson, 1963; Weiller, 1996b
Arbutus andrachne Horowitz & Baum, 1967
Arbutus menziesii Kapp, 1969
Arbutus unedo Erdtman, 1943
Archeria sp. Smith-White, 1955
Arctostaphylos alpina Erdtman et al., 1961
Arctostaphylos columbiana Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Arctostaphylos rubra Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Oldfield, 1959
Arctous alpina Oldfield, 1959
Arctous ruber Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Astroloma conostephioides Franks & Watson, 1963
Astroloma pinifolium Franks & Watson, 1963
Bejaria sprucei Leal, 2011
Brachyloma daphnoides Smith-White, 1955
Brachyloma ericoides Franks & Watson, 1963
Brachyloma preissii Smith-White, 1955
Brachyloma scortechinii Smith-White, 1955
Calluna vulgaris Erdtman, 1943
Cassiope fastigiata Nair & Kothari (1985)
Cassiope lycopodioides Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Cassiope mertensiana Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Cassiope selaginoides Nair & Kothari (1985)
Cassiope stelleriana Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Cassiope tetragona Beug H-J, 1961
Cavendishia sirensis Luteyn, 1978
Ceratiola ericoides Erdtman, 1943
Ceratostema glandulifera Sarwar et al., 2006
Ceratostema lanigerum Sarwar et al., 2006
Ceratostema loranthiflorum Sarwar et al., 2006
Ceratostema prietorii Luteyn, 1978
Chamaedaphne calyculata Beug H-J, 1961
Chimaphila japonica Huang, 1972
Chimaphila maculata Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Chimaphila menziesii Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Chimaphila monticola Huang, 1972
Chimaphila umbellata Takahashi, 1986
Cladothamnus pyrolaeflorus Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Corema conradii Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Cosmelia rubra Smith-White, 1955
Craibiodendron henryi Lu et al., 2009
Craibiodendron stellatum Lu et al., 2009
Craibiodendron yunnanensis Lu et al., 2009
Cyathodes glauca Weiller, 1996
Cyathodes platystoma Weiller, 1996
Cyathodes pumila Franks & Watson, 1963; Weiller, 1996b
Cyathodes straminea Weiller, 1996
Cyathopsis floribunda Franks & Watson, 1963
Daboecia cantabrica Oldfield, 1959
Decatoca spenceri Franks & Watson, 1963
Demosthenesia cordifolia Luteyn, 1978
Demosthenesia vilcabambensis Luteyn, 1978
Dimorphanthera apoana Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Diplycosia cinnamomifolia Lu et al., 2009
Diplycosia heterophylla Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Dracophyllum secundum Furness, 2009
Elliottia racemosa Hermann & Palser, 2000
Empetrum nigrum Erdtman, 1943
Empetrum rubrum Markgraf & D'Antoni, 1978
Enkianthus deflexus Sharma, 2011
Epacris acuminata Matthews, 1966
Epacris apiculata Matthews, 1966
Epacris breviflora Matthews, 1966
Epacris calvertiana Matthews, 1966
Epacris coriacea Matthews, 1966
Epacris crassifolia Matthews, 1966
Epacris exserta Matthews, 1966
Epacris grandiflora von Mohl, 1834
Epacris hamiltoni Matthews, 1966
Epacris heteronema Matthews, 1966
Epacris impressa Matthews, 1966
Epacris lanuginosa Matthews, 1966
Epacris longiflora Matthews, 1966
Epacris marginata Matthews, 1966
Epacris microphylla Erdtman, 1952
Epacris mucronulata Matthews, 1966
Epacris myrtifolia Matthews, 1966
Epacris obtusifolia Matthews, 1966
Epacris paludosa Matthews, 1966
Epacris pulchella Matthews, 1966
Epacris purpurascens Matthews, 1966
Epacris reclinata Matthews, 1966
Epacris rigida Matthews, 1966
Epacris robusta Matthews, 1966
Epacris serpyllifolia Matthews, 1966
Epacris stuartii Matthews, 1966
Epigaea repens Kapp, 1969
Erica arachnocalyx Oliver,2000
Erica arborea Oldfield, 1959
Erica areolata Oliver,2000
Erica artemisioides Oliver,2000
Erica australis Maheshwari & Narayanaswami, 1952
Erica axillaris Oliver,2000
Erica bergiana Buchner & Halbritter, 2009
Erica binaria Oliver,2000
Erica boucheri Oliver,2000
Erica bredasiana Oliver,2000
Erica calcicola Oliver,2000
Erica cereris Oliver,2000
Erica ciliaris Moore et al., 1991
Erica cinerea Oldfield, 1959
Erica coarctata Ladd, 2006
Erica eglandulosa Oliver,2000
Erica erigena Foss & Doyle, 1988
Erica halicacaba Turner, 2012
Erica herbaceae Habritter et al., 2005c
Erica hirtiflora Matthews & Talyor, 1927
Erica inaequalis Oliver,2000
Erica jacksoniana Oliver,2000
Erica lanuginosa Lombardi, et al., 2017
Erica lusitanica Oldfield, 1959
Erica mackaiana Oldfield, 1959
Erica melanomontana Oliver,2000
Erica miniscula Oliver,2000
Erica mollis Buchner & Halbritter, 2009b
Erica multiflora Oldfield, 1959
Erica muscosa Oliver,2000
Erica pageana Buchner & Halbritter, 2009c
Erica parviporandra Oliver,2000
Erica perplexa Oliver,2000
Erica perspicua Buchner & Halbritter, 2009d
Erica phacelanthera Oliver,2000
Erica platycalyx Oliver,2000
Erica remota Oliver,2000
Erica rigidula Oliver,2000
Erica rugata Oliver,2000
Erica scoparia Oldfield, 1959
Erica serrata Oliver,2000
Erica sicula Haddad, 1969
Erica silvatica El Ghazali, 1993
Erica stokoeanthus Oliver,2000
Erica subcapitata Oliver,2000
Erica terniflora Oliver,2000
Erica tetralix Oldfield, 1959
Erica totta Oliver,2000
Erica umbellata Oldfield, 1959
Erica urceolata Oliver,2000
Erica vagans Oldfield, 1959
Erica vallis-fluminis Oliver,2000
Erica verticillata Haddad, 1969
Eubotrys racemosa Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria adenothrix Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria anastomosans Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria antarctica Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria appressa Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria borneensis Huang, 1972
Gaultheria bracteata Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria buxifolia Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria caespitosa Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria cardiosepala Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria codonantha Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria cuneata Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria dolichopoda Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria erecta Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria eriophylla Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria foliolosa Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria forrestii Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria fragantissima Nair & Kothari (1985)
Gaultheria fragrantissima Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria glomerata Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria gracilis Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria griffithiana Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria heteromera Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria hispida Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria hispidula Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria hookeri Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria humifusa Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria hypochlora Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria insana Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria insane Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria insipida Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria itatiaiae Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria jingdongensis Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria leschenaultii Premathilake, 1999
Gaultheria leucocarpa Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria longibracteolata Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria megalodonta Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria mucronata Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria myrsinoides Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria myrtilloides Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria novaguineensis Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria nummularioides Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria oppositifolia Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria phillyreifolia Markgraf & D'Antoni, 1978
Gaultheria praticola Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria procumbens Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Gaultheria prostrata Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria prostrate Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria pseudonotabilis Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria pyrolaefolia Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria pyroloides Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria reticulata Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria rigida Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Gaultheria semi-infera Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria shallon Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Gaultheria sinensis Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria straminea Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria suborbicularis Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria tetramera Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria tomentosa Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria trichophylla Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria trigonoclada Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria vaccinioides Lu et al., 2009
Gaultheria wardii Lu et al., 2009
Gaylussacia baccata Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Gaylussacia dumosa Jones, 1995
Harrimanella hypnoides Beug H-J, 1961
Kalmia angustifolia Crompton & Wojtasm 1993
Kalmia latifolia Erdtman, 1943
Kalmia polifolia Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Ledothamnus luteus Rull, 2003
Ledum glandulosum Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Ledum groenlandicum Crompton & Wojtasm 1993
Ledum palustre Oldfield, 1959
Leucopogon amplexifolius Erdtman, 1952
Leucopogon australis Erdtman, 1952
Leucopogon collinus APSA, 2007
Leucopogon concurvus APSA, 2007b
Leucopogon costatus APSA, 2007c
Leucopogon ericoides APSA, 2007d
Leucopogon fraseri Furness, 2009
Leucopogon gelidus APSA, 2007e
Leucopogon glabellus Smith-White, 1955
Leucopogon glacialis APSA, 2007f
Leucopogon hirsutus APSA, 2007g
Leucopogon lanceolatus APSA, 2007h
Leucopogon macraei APSA, 2007i
Leucopogon microphyllus APSA, 2007j
Leucopogon morgodes APSA, 2007k
Leucopogon parviflorus Furness, 2009
Leucopogon richei APSA, 2007l
Leucopogon virgatus Nair & Kothari (1985)
Leucopogon virgatus Smith-White, 1955
Leucothoe axillaris Lu et al., 2009
Leucothoe fontanesiana Lu et al., 2009
Leucothoe griffithiana Lu et al., 2009
Leucothoe keiskei Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Leucothoe mexicana Lu et al., 2009
Leucothoe recurva Lu et al., 2009
Lissanthe sapida Smith-White, 1955
Lissanthe strigosa Franks & Watson, 1963
Loiseleuria procumbens Erdtman, 1943
Lyonia buchii Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Lyonia compta Lu et al., 2009
Lyonia doyonensis Lu et al., 2009
Lyonia jamaicensis Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Lyonia ligustrina Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Lyonia lucida Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Lyonia macrocalyx Lu et al., 2009
Lyonia macrophylla Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Lyonia mariana Kapp, 1969
Lyonia ovalifolia Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Lyonia squamulosa Lozano-Garcia, 1979
Lyonia villosa Lu et al., 2009
Lysinema ciliatum Smith-White, 1955
Lysinema conspicuum Smith-White, 1955
Menziesii ferruginea Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Moneses uniflora Erdtman et al., 1961
Monotoca elliptica Franks & Watson, 1963
Monotoca empetrifolia Franks & Watson, 1963
Monotoca scoparia Franks & Watson, 1963
Needhamia pumilio Franks & Watson, 1963
Notopora schomburgkii Leal, 2011
Orthaea venamensis Leal, 2011
Oxydendrum arboreum Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Pentachondra ericaefolia Franks & Watson, 1963
Pentachondra pumila Franks & Watson, 1963
Pentaperygium hookeri Nair & Kothari (1985)
Pentaperygium listeri Nair & Kothari (1985)
Pentaperygium rugosum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Pentaperygium serpens Nair & Kothari (1985)
Pernettya poeppigii Markgraf & D'Antoni, 1978
Philippia floribunda Straka et al, 1967
Phyllodoce aleutica Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Phyllodoce caerulea Moore et al., 1991
Phyllodoce empetriformis Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Pieris floribunda Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Pieris formosa Lu et al., 2009
Pieris japonica Huang, 1972
Pieris ovalifolia Nair & Kothari (1985)
Planocarpa nitida Weiller, 1996
Planocarpa petiolaris Weiller, 1996
Planocarpa sulcata Weiller, 1996
Psammisia guianensis Leal, 2011
Pyrola albo-reticulata Huang, 1972
Pyrola alpina Zhang & Anderberg
Pyrola asarifolia Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Pyrola chlorantha Oldfield, 1959
Pyrola elliptica Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Pyrola grandiflora Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Pyrola japonica Knox & McConchie, 1986
Pyrola media Erdtman, 1952
Pyrola minor Erdtman, 1952
Pyrola morrisonensis Huang, 1972
Pyrola picta Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Pyrola rotundifolia Kapp, 1969
Pyrola rotundifolia Nair & Kothari (1985)
Pyrola virens Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Rhododendron adenanthum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron adenobracteum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron albiflorum Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Rhododendron albrechtii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron amagianum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron anagalliflorum Knox & McConchie, 1986
Rhododendron apradae Rai and Lama, 2016
Rhododendron apricum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron arborescens Erdtman, 1952
Rhododendron arboreum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron barbatum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron boninense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron calendulaceum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron campanulatum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron camtschaticum Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Rhododendron canadense Crompton & Wojtas 1993
Rhododendron canescens Lieux & Godfrey, 1982
Rhododendron catawbiense Erdtman, 1952
Rhododendron caucasicum Beug H-J, 1961
Rhododendron chunii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron ciliatum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron decandrum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron dilatatum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron durionifolium Jones & Pearce, 2014
Rhododendron ellipticum Huang, 1972
Rhododendron eriocarpum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron ferrugineum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron florulentum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron formosanum Huang, 1972
Rhododendron formosum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron guizhongense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron hainanense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron hejiangense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron hippophaeoides Buchner & Halbritter, 2011
Rhododendron hirsutum Oldfield, 1959
Rhododendron huadingense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron hunanense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron hypoblematosum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron indicum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron intermedium Beug H-J, 1961
Rhododendron japonicum Iwanami et al, 1988
Rhododendron jinxiuense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron kaempferi Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron kawakamii Huang, 1972
Rhododendron keiskei Trigg et al., 2013e
Rhododendron kiusianum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron komatsui Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron komiyamae Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron kwangsiense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron kwangtungense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron laetum Knox & McConchie, 1986
Rhododendron lagopus Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron lapponicum Erdtman et al., 1961
Rhododendron lasiostylum Huang, 1972
Rhododendron ledebourii Mirgorodskaya et al., 2015
Rhododendron lepidotum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Rhododendron litchiifolium Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron lochae Knox & McConchie, 1986
Rhododendron luteum Beug H-J, 1961
Rhododendron macrophyllum Warner & Chinnappa, 1986
Rhododendron macrosepalum Buchner & Harbritter, 2010
Rhododendron mariae Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron mariesii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron maximum Kapp, 1969
Rhododendron meridionale Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron microphyton Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron morii Huang, 1972
Rhododendron myrsinifolium Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron myrtifolium Beug H-J, 1961
Rhododendron naamkwanense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron nakaharai Huang, 1972
Rhododendron nanpingense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron noriakianum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron nudipes Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron oldhamii Huang, 1972
Rhododendron osuzuyamense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron pentaphyllum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron polyraphidoideum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron ponticum Moore et al., 1991
Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum Huang, 1972
Rhododendron qianyangense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron reticulatum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron rivulare Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron roseum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron rubro-pilosum Huang, 1972
Rhododendron sataense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron saxatile Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron schlippenbachii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron seniavinii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron serpyllifolium Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron simsii Huang, 1972
Rhododendron strigosum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron subflumineum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron subsessile Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Rhododendron taipaoense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron tanakai Huang, 1972
Rhododendron tashiroi Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron tenue Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron tiantangense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron tingwuense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron tosaense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron transiens Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron truncatovarium Gao & Li, 2004
Rhododendron tschonoskii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron tsoi Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron unciferum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron viscidum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron viscigemmatum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron viscistylum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron viscosum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron wadanum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron wallichii Wortley et al., 2015
Rhododendron weyrichii Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron yangmingshanense Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron yaoshanicum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhododendron yunyianum Zhang et al., 2009
Rhodothamnus chamaecistus Beug H-J, 1961
Rupicola apiculata Schneemilch, 2011
Satyria meiantha Lu et al., 2009
Satyria panamensis Lu et al., 2009
Satyria panarensis Lu et al., 2009
Satyria warszewiczii Lu et al., 2009
Sphenotoma dracophylloides Smith-White, 1955
Sphenotoma drummondii Smith-White, 1955
Sphenotoma squarrosum Smith-White, 1955
Sprengelia distichophylla Lemson, 2011
Sprengelia incarnata Smith-White, 1955
Sprengelia monticola Lemson, 2011
Sprengelia ponceletia Smith-White, 1955
Sprengelia ponceletoides Smith-White, 1955
Sprengelia sprengelioides Lemson, 2011
Styphelia dealbata Franks & Watson, 1963; Weiller, 1996b
Styphelia douglasii Smith-White, 1955
Styphelia tameiameiae Franks & Watson, 1963; Weiller, 1996b
Tepuia venusta Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Thibaudia nutans Leal, 2011
Thibaudia dudleyi Luteyn, 1978
Trochocarpa disticha Franks & Watson, 1963
Trochocarpa gunnii Franks & Watson, 1963
Trochocarpa laurina Smith-White, 1955
Trochocarpa thymifolia Furness, 2009
Vaccinium angustifolium Crompton & Wojtas 1993
Vaccinium arboreum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium arctostaphylos Vander Kloet & Dickinson, 1992
Vaccinium ardisioides Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium brachybotrys Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium bracteatum Huang, 1972
Vaccinium caespitosum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium carlesii Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium coriaceum Jones & Pearce, 2014
Vaccinium corymbosum Dogterom, 2000
Vaccinium crassifolium Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium cylindraceum Vander Kloet & Dickinson, 1992
Vaccinium darrowii Jones, 1995
Vaccinium deliciosum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium dendrocharis Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium donianum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium duclouxii Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium dunalianum Huang, 1972
Vaccinium elliottii Lieux & Godfrey, 1982
Vaccinium emarginatum Huang, 1972
Vaccinium erythrocarpum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium exaristatum Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium geminiflorum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium griffithianum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium hirsutum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium japonicum Huang, 1972
Vaccinium kansaiense Vander Kloet & Dickinson, 1992
Vaccinium lasiocarpum Vander Kloet & Dickinson, 1992
Vaccinium laurifolium Jones & Pearce, 2014
Vaccinium macrocarpon Crompton & Wojtas 1993
Vaccinium maderense Vander Kloet & Dickinson, 1992
Vaccinium mandarinorum Lu et al., 2009
Vaccinium membranaceum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium microcarpum Oldfield, 1959
Vaccinium myrsinites Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium myrtilloides Crompton & Wojtas 1993
Vaccinium myrtillus Oldfield, 1959
Vaccinium nilgherense Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium nummularia Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium oreophilum Lewis et al., 1983
Vaccinium ovalifolium Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium oxycoccus Erdtman, 1943
Vaccinium pallidum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium parvifolium Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium poxythamnus Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium randaiense Huang, 1972
Vaccinium retusum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium scoparium Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium secundiflorum Straka et al, 1967
Vaccinium serratum Nair & Kothari (1985)
Vaccinium stamineum Jones, 1995
Vaccinium tenellum Vander Kloet,1988
Vaccinium uliginosum Oldfield, 1959
Vaccinium vacciniaceum Sharma, 2011
Vaccinium vitis-ideae Oldfield, 1959
Vaccinium wrightii Huang, 1972
Woollsia pungens Smith-White, 1955
Zenobia pulverulenta Sawar & Takahahi, 2006
Genus | species | reference
Acalypha wilkesiana Nowicke & Takahashi, 2002
Codiaeum variegatum Albert et al., 2009
Genus | species | reference
Acacia baueri Smyth, 1994
Afzelia africana Erdtman, 1952
Afzelia bella Ferguson & Banks, 1994
Afzelia bracteata Erdtman, 1952
Afzelia pachyloba Erdtman, 1952
Bauhinia phoenicea Ferguson & Banks, 1994
Bauhinia pottsii Banks et al., 2006
Dichrostachys cinerea Prabhakar et al., 2015
Dinizia excelsa Carreira, 1996
Diptychandra aurantiaca Guinet, 1965
Mimosa adenophylla Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa amnis-atrii Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa aparadensis Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa apodocarpa Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa artemisiana Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa barretoi Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa berroi Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa biuncifera Kapp, 1969
Mimosa borboremae Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa borealis Trigg et al., 2013c
Mimosa campicola Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa cordistipula Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa coruscocaesia Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa craspedisetosa Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa cylindracea Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa daleoides Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa dalyi Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa debilis Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa eriocarpa Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa ervendbergii Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa extensissima Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa ferricola Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa fiebrigii Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa filipes Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa floculosa Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa gemmulata Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa glutinosa Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa hebecarpa Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa hystricina Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa insignis Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa interrupta Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa invisa Jagudilla-Bulalacao, 1997
Mimosa involucrata Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa lanuginosa Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa latidens Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa lewisii Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa macedoana Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa misera Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa modesta Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa morröensis Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa nothopteris Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa nuttallii Jones, 1995
Mimosa nuttallii Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa obstrigosa Caccavari, 2002
Mimosa oligacantha Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa papposa Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa paucijuga Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa pigra Van Zinderen Bakker & Coetzee, 1959
Mimosa pilulifera Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa plumosa Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa pluriracemosa Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa pseudincana Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa pteridifolia Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa pudica Rao & Lee, 1970
Mimosa quadrivalvis Kapp, 1969
Mimosa regnelli Caccavari, 2002
Mimosa robusta Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa rocae Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa rupertiana Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa sagotiana Carreira, 1996
Mimosa scabrella Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa schomburgkii Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa schrankioides Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa sensitiva Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa sericantha Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa setosa Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa setuligera Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa somnians Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa sordida Caccavari, 1986
Mimosa spixiana Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa strigillosa Jones, 1995
Mimosa subenervis Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa subinermis Flores-Cruz, 2006
Mimosa taimbensis Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa tandilensis Caccavari, 2002
Mimosa tenuiflora Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa trianae Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa ulbrichiana Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa ursina Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa velloziana Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa verrucosa Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa watsonii Caccavari, 1988
Mimosa xavantinae Santos-Silva et al., 2013
Mimosa xiquexiquensis Lima e Lima et al., 2008
Mimosa zygophylla Trigg et al., 2013d
Piptadenia adianthoides Caccavari, 2002
Piptadenia anolidorus Caccavari, 2002
Piptadenia flava Caccavari, 2002
Piptadenia polyptera Caccavari, 2002
Schleinitzia novo-guineesis APSA, 2007m
Genus | species | reference
Aripuana cullmaniorum Calió et al., 2008
Calolisianthus pendulus Freitas & Sazima, 2009
Chelonanthus alatus Halbritter, 2012
Chelonanthus matogrossensis Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Chelonanthus viridiflorus Calió et al., 2008
Coutoubea minor Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Coutoubea ramosa Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Coutoubea reflexa Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Coutoubea spicata Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Deianira chiquitiana de Sousa et al., 2017
Deianira cyathifolia Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Deianira damazoi de Sousa et al., 2017
Deianira erubescens de Sousa et al., 2017
Deianira nervosa Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Deianira pallescens de Sousa et al., 2017
Helia oblongifolia Calió et al., 2008
Irlbachia pedunculata Vinckier & Smets, 2003
Perpusa alata Calió et al., 2008
Perpusa connata Calió et al., 2008
Potalia maguireorum Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Prepusa hookeriana Calió et al., 2008
Prepusa montana Calió et al., 2008
Prepusa viridiflora Calió et al., 2008
Rogersonanthus arboreus Rull, 2003
Roraimaea aurantiaca Struwe et al., 2008
Schultesia benthamiana Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Schultesia brachyptera Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Schultesia guianensis Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Schultesia pachyphylla Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Senaea coerulea Calió et al., 2008
Senaea janeirensis Calió et al., 2008
Symbolanthus elisabethae Calió et al., 2008
Symphyllophyton caprifolioides Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Tetrapollinia caerulescens Calió et al., 2008
Xestaea lisianthoides Nilsson, Hellbom & Smolenski, 2002
Genus | species | reference
Lechenaultia biloba Martin & Peacock, 1959
Lechenaultia formosa Martin & Peacock, 1959
Lechenaultia linarioides Martin & Peacock, 1959
Genus | species | reference
Trithuria inconspicua Furness & Rudall, 1999
Genus | species | reference
Elodea canadensis Erdtman, 1952
Elodea nuttallii Tanaka, Uehara & Murata, 2004
Genus | species | reference
Hydrostachys distichophylla Guinet, 1965
Hydrostachys polymorpha Van Zinderen Bakker, 1956
Hydrostachys verruculosa Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Aristea ecklonii Goldblatt et al., 2004
Aristea ensifolia Goldblatt et al., 2004
Aristea pusilla Goldblatt et al., 2004
Genus | species | reference
Juncus acutiflorus Hyde and Adams, 1958
Juncus acutus Van Zinderen Bakker, 1953
Juncus effusus Beug H-J, 1961
Juncus jacquinii Svojtka & Halbritter, 2005
Juncus lomatophyllus Van Zinderen Bakker, 1953
Juncus marginatus Trigg et al., 2013b
Juncus pallescens Van Zinderen Bakker, 1953
Juncus punctorius Van Zinderen Bakker, 1953
Juncus squarrosus Beug H-J, 1961
Luzula campestris Hyde and Adams, 1958
Luzula forsteri Furness & Rudall, 1999
Luzula luzuloides Beug H-J, 1961
Luzula multiflora Lewis et al., 1983
Luzula pilosa Erdtman, 1952
Luzula sylvatica Habritter et al., 2005d
Prionium serrata Van Zinderen Bakker, 1953
Genus | species | reference
Lactoris fernandeziana Bernardello, 1999
Genus | species | reference
Utricularia punctata Thanikaimoni, 1966
Utricularia quelchii Huynh, 1968
Genus | species | reference
Marcgravia polyantha Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Amoora championii Large & Mabberley, 1994
Dysoxylum crassum Large & Mabberley, 1994
Dysoxylum dumosum Large & Mabberley, 1994
Dysoxylum inopinatum Large & Mabberley, 1994
Genus | species | reference
Hedycarya angustifolia Jeremie, 1984
Hedycarya arborea Erdtman, 1952
Hedycarya cunninghamii Erdtman, 1952
Kibaropsis caledonica Jeremie, 1984
Genus | species | reference
Neotessmannia uniflora Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Myrothamnus flabellifolia Erdtman, 1952
Myrothamnus moschatus Zavada & Dilcher, 1986
Genus | species | reference
Nelumbo lutea Banks et al., 2007
Genus | species | reference
Nepenthes alata Erdtman, 1952
Nepenthes albomarginata Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes ampullaria Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes boschiana Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes distillatoria Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes dominii Rao & Lee, 1970
Nepenthes gracilis Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes khasiana Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes mirabilis Knox & McConchie, 1986
Nepenthes pervillei Thanikaimoni & Vasanthy, 1972
Nepenthes rafflesiana Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes sanguinea Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes singalana Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes stenophylla Jones & Pearce, 2014
Nepenthes truncata Basak & Subramanyam, 1966
Nepenthes vieillardii Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Nymphaea alba Jones & Clarke, 1981
Victoria amazonica Walker, 1976
Victoria cruziana Erdtman, 1943
Victoria regia Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Boisduvalia cleistogamum Praglowski et al., 1994
Boisduvalia densiflora Erdtman, 1952
Boisduvalia glabella Skvarla et al, 1976
Boisduvalia macrantha Skvarla et al, 1978
Boisduvalia stricta Skvarla et al, 1978
Boisduvalia subulata Skvarla et al, 1976
Chylismia arenaria Brown, 1967
Chylismia cardiophylla Knox & McConchie, 1986
Chylismia lutetiana Punt et al., 2003
Epilobium algidum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium alpestre Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium alpina Huang, 1972
Epilobium alsinifolium Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium alsinoides Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium amurense Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium anagallidifolium Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium angustifolium Punt et al., 2003
Epilobium angustum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium atlanticum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium australe Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium barbeyanum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium blinii Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium brachycarpum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium brevifolium Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium canum Snow, 1986
Epilobium capense Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium ciliatum Knox & McConchie, 1986
Epilobium clavatum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium collinum Skvarla et al, 1978
Epilobium concinnum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium cylindricum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium densifolium Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium denticulatum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium duriaei Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium foliosum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium fragile Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium glabellum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium glaberrimum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium glaucum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium gunnianum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium hectorii Skvarla et al, 1978
Epilobium hirsutum Moore & Webb, 1978
Epilobium hirtigerum Skvarla et al, 1978
Epilobium hooglandii Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium hornemannii Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium keysseri Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium lanceolatum Punt et al., 2003
Epilobium latifolium Punt et al., 2003
Epilobium luteum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium macropus Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium melanocaulon Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium minutum Knox & McConchie, 1986
Epilobium montanum Halbritter et al., 2005c
Epilobium nevadense Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium nivium Skvarla et al, 1976
Epilobium nutans Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium obcordatum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium obscurum Punt et al., 2003
Epilobium oreganum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium oregonense Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium pallidiflorum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium palustre Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium parviflorum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium platystigmatosum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium rigidum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium roseum Huang, 1972
Epilobium royleanum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium salignum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium saximontanum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium siskiyouense Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium stereophyllum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium strictum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium suffruticosum Praglowski et al., 1994
Epilobium tetragonum Punt et al., 2003
Ludwigia affinis Leal, 2011
Ludwigia alternifolia Skvarla et al, 1976
Ludwigia arcuata Skvarla et al, 1978
Ludwigia bonarenesis Brown, 1967
Ludwigia brevipes Knox & McConchie, 1986
Ludwigia decurrens Brown, 1967
Ludwigia hirtella Brown, 1967
Ludwigia leptocarpa Brown, 1967
Ludwigia linearis Skvarla et al, 1976
Ludwigia octovalvis Huang, 1972
Ludwigia peruviana Knox & McConchie, 1986
Ludwigia repens Knox & McConchie, 1986
Ludwigia uruguayensis Brown, 1967
Zauschneria californica Brown, 1967
Zauschneria cana Brown, 1967
Zauschneria septentrionalis Skvarla, 1976
Genus | species | reference
Acianthus fornicatus Hesse et al., 1989
Anoectochilus sandvicensis Erdtman, 1952
Auxopus kamerunensis Hesse et al., 1989
Bletilla striata Wolter and Shill, 1986
Bulbophyllum medusae Erdtman, 1952
Calopogon pulchellus Kapp, 1969
Cleistesiopsis bifaria Gregg, 1991
Didymoplexis pallens Hesse et al., 1989
Epidendrum scutillar Knox & McConchie, 1986
Epipactis atrorubens Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis consimilis Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis gigantea Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis helleborine Erdtman, 1952
Epipactis latifolia Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis microphylla Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis muelleri Svojtka, 2005
Epipactis palustris Beug H-J, 1961
Epipactis purpurata Svojtka, 2005
Epipactis royleana Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis squamellosa Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis thunbergia Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipactis veratrifolia Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Epipogium aphyllum Hesse et al., 1989
Gastrodia elata Hesse et al., 1989
Habenaria bractescens Passarelli & Rolleri, 2010
Habenaria gourlieana Passarelli & Rolleri, 2010
Habenaria pumila Passarelli & Rolleri, 2010
Habenaria secunda Passarelli & Rolleri, 2010
Isotria verticillata Hesse et al., 1989
Listera borealis Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Listera cordata Erdtman, 1952
Listera smallii Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Neottia auriculata Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Neottia banksiana Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Neottia bifolia Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Neottia cordata Erdtman, 1952
Neottia japonica Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Neottia listeroides Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Neottia nidus-avis Beug H-J, 1961
Neottia ovata Erdtman, 1952
Neottia pantlingii Ackerman & Williams, 1980
Spiranthes aestivalis Beug H-J, 1961
Spiranthes spiralis Beug H-J, 1961
Triphora trianthophora Hesse et al., 1989
Genus | species | reference
Eschscholzia californica Clark, 1978
Meconopsis grandis Henderson, 1965
Meconopsis sherriffii Henderson, 1965
Genus | species | reference
Sesamothamnus guerichii Erdtman, 1952
Sesamothamnus lugardii Suarez-Cervera et al., 1992
Sesamothamnus smithii Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Philydrum lanuginosum Zona, 2001
Genus | species | reference
Heteranthera limosa Pellegrini & Horn, 2017
Genus | species | reference
Diamantina lombardii Philbrick et al., 2004
Genus | species | reference
Potamogeton fluitans Straka & Friedrich, 1984
Genus | species | reference
Richea acerosa Ladd, 2006
Richea continentis Ladd, 2006
Richea dracophylla Smith-White, 1955
Richea gunnii Smith-White, 1955
Richea pandanifolia Furness, 2009
Richea scoparia Smith-White, 1955
Richea sprengelioides Smith-White, 1955
Richea victoriana Ladd, 2006
Genus | species | reference
Sorbus cf. meinichii Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Carpodetus arboreus Praglowski et al., 1985
Carpodetus archboldianus Praglowski et al., 1985
Carpodetus grandiflorus Praglowski et al., 1985
Carpodetus major Praglowski et al., 1985
Carpodetus pullei Praglowski et al., 1985
Carpodetus serratus Praglowski et al., 1985
Genus | species | reference
Atractogyne gabonii Vinckier et al., 2000
Calochone acuminata Vinckier et al., 2000
Casasia ekmanii Erdtman, 1952
Casasia calophylla Persson, 1993
Casasia clusiifolia Persson, 1993
Euclinia longiflora Persson, 1993
Ganguelia gossweileri Robbrecht et al., 1996
Gardenia beamanii Low & Wong, 2007
Gardenia chanii Low & Wong, 2007
Gardenia cornuta Vinckier et al., 2000
Gardenia coronaria Erdtman, 1952
Gardenia florida Mathew & Philip (1983)
Gardenia jasminoides Huang, 1972
Gardenia resinifera Mathew & Philip (1983)
Gardenia taitensis Erdtman, 1952
Gardenia ternifolia El Ghazali, 1993
Gardenia thunbergia Vinckier et al., 2000
Gardenia volkensii subsp. spathulifolia Persson, 1993
Gleasonia duidana Hansson & El-Ghazaly, 2000
Gleasonia uaupensis Hansson & El-Ghazaly, 2000
Macrosphyra brachystylis Vinckier et al., 2000
Macrosphyra longistyla Hansson & El-Ghazaly, 2000
Mitriostigma axillare Hansson & El-Ghazaly, 2000
Mitriostigma axillare Persson, 1993
Mitriostigma greenwayi Vinckier et al., 2000
Oligocodon cunliffeae Persson, 1993
Oxyanthus speciosus Erdtman, 1952
Oxyanthus subpunctatus Halbritter, 2005f
Oxyanthus unilocularis Vinckier et al., 2000
Pleiocoryne fernandensis Vinckier et al., 2000
Preussiodora sulphurea Persson, 1993
Randia acuminata Erdtman, 1952
Randia brevituba Judkevich, 2016
Randia laetevirens Lozano-Garcia, 1979
Randia obcordata Erdtman, 1952
Randia spinosa Erdtman, 1952
Randia aculeata Persson, 1993
Randia armata Persson, 1993
Genus | species | reference
Magonia pubescens Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Eremolaena humblotiana Straka, 1964
Eremolaena rotundifolia Carlquist, 1964
Leptolaena arenaria Straka, 1964
Leptolaena multiflora Carlquist, 1964
Leptolaena pauciflora Carlquist, 1964
Pentachleana latifolia Straka, 1964
Perrierodendron boinense Straka, 1964
Rhodoleana altivola Carlquist, 1964
Rhodoleana bakeriana Straka & Friedrich, 1983
Rhodoleana humblotii Carlquist, 1964
Sarcolaena codonochlamys Carlquist, 1964
Sarcolaena delphinensis Carlquist, 1964
Sarcolaena eriophora Carlquist, 1964
Sarcolaena grandiflora Carlquist, 1964
Sarcolaena multiflora Straka & Friedrich, 1983
Sarcolaena oblongifolia Carlquist, 1964
Schizolaena cauliflora Straka, 1964
Schizolaena exinvolucrata Carlquist, 1964
Schizolaena laurina Carlquist, 1964
Schizolaena parviflora Carlquist, 1964
Schizolaena rosea Carlquist, 1964
Schizolaena viscosa Carlquist, 1964
Xerochlamys bojeriana Carlquist, 1964
Xerochlamys diospyroidea Carlquist, 1964
Xyloolaena perrieri Carlquist, 1964
Xyloolaena richardii Erdtman, 1952
Genus | species | reference
Bouchetia anomala Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Bouchetia arniathera Hunziker, 2001
Bouchetia erecta Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Nierembergia aristata Hunziker, 2001
Nierembergia browallioides Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Nierembergia pinifolia Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Nierembergia rigida Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Nierembergia riograndensis Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Nierembergia spathulata Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Nierembergia veitchii Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Reyesia parviflora Hunziker, 2001
Salpiglossis sinuata Hunziker, 2001
Siphonema filicaulis Stafford & Knapp, 2006
Genus | species | reference
Bonnetia sessilis Leal, 2011
Genus | species | reference
Thurnia jenmanii Erdtman, 1952
Thurnia sphaerocephala Watson & Dallwitz, 1992
Genus | species | reference
Typha caspica Hamdi, 2010
Typha domingensis Willard, 2004
Typha elephantina Kim & Choi, 2011
Typha latifolia Willard, 2004
Typha laxmanni Beug H-J, 1961
Typha lugdunensis Hamdi, 2010
Typha minima Beug H-J, 1961
Typha shuttleworthii Beug H-J, 1961
Genus | species | reference
Zelkova abelicea Stafford, 1995
Zelkova sicula Nakagawa et al., 1998
Genus | species | reference
Vellozia abietina Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia alata Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia albiflora de Mello-Silva, 2005
Vellozia aloaefolia Erdtman, 1952
Vellozia aloifolia Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia armata de Mello-Silva, 2005
Vellozia burle-marxii Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia campanuloides Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia candida Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia canelinha Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia caput-ardeae Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia caruncularis Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Vellozia caudata Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia compacta Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia dasypus Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia declinans Jacobi & del Sarto, 2007
Vellozia epidendroides Jacobi & del Sarto, 2007
Vellozia geotegens de Mello-Silva, 2005
Vellozia glabra Erdtman, 1952
Vellozia glandulifera Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Vellozia glauca Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia glochidea Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Vellozia graminea Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Vellozia hatschbachii Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia hemisphaerica Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia hirsuta Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia jolyi Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia luteola de Mello-Silva, 2005
Vellozia minima Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia prolifera Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia punctulata Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia religiosa Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia resinosa Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Vellozia sellovii Erdtman, 1952
Vellozia sessilis Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia squamata Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Vellozia tillandisioides de Mello-Silva, 2005
Vellozia tubiflora Mello-Silva, 2011
Vellozia wasshausenii Ayensu & Skvarla, 1974
Genus | species | reference
Belliolum burttianum Hotchkiss, 1955
Bubbia howeana Knox & McConchie, 1986
Bubbia haplopus Hotchkiss, 1955
Bubbia monocarpa Hotchkiss, 1955
Bubbia semicarpoides Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys andina Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys aromatica Fiser & Walker, 1967
Drimys axillaris Erdtman, 1943
Drimys brasiliensis Bailey & Nast, 1943
Drimys brassi Fiser & Walker, 1967
Drimys buxifolia Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys confertifolia Walker, 1976
Drimys crassifolia Sampson, 2007
Drimys fernandiana Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys granadensis Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys granatensis Halbritter, 2010c
Drimys insipida Fiser & Walker, 1967
Drimys lanceolata Fiser & Walker, 1967
Drimys membranacea Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys microphylla Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys piperita Bailey & Nast, 1943
Drimys purpurascens Fiser & Walker, 1967
Drimys roraimensis Leal, 2011
Drimys stipitata Fiser & Walker, 1967
Drimys winteri Hotchkiss, 1955
Drimys winteri var. chilensis Hotchkiss, 1955
Exospermum stipitatum Knox & McConchie, 1986
Pseudowintera axillaris Knox & McConchie, 1986
Pseudowintera colorata Sampson, 2007
Takhtajania perrieri Sampson, 2000
Tasmannia arfakensis Hotchkiss, 1955
Tasmannia beccariana Bailey & Nast, 1943
Tasmannia beccariana Hotchkiss, 1955
Tasmannia dictyophlebia Fiser & Walker, 1967
Tasmannia glaucifolia Sampson, 2007
Tasmannia hatamensis Hotchkiss, 1955
Tasmannia lanceolata Sampson, 2007
Tasmannia macrantha Hotchkiss, 1955
Tasmannia obovata Bailey & Nast, 1943
Tasmannia oligandra Bailey & Nast, 1943
Tasmannia rosea Fiser & Walker, 1967
Tasmannia rubiginosa Hotchkiss, 1955
Tasmannia stipitata Sampson, 2007
Tasmannia xerophila Fiser & Walker, 1967
Zygogynum acsmithii Van Der Ham & Van Heuven, 2002
Zygogynum archboldianum Vink, 2016
Zygogynum baillonii Sampson, 2007
Zygogynum bicolor Knox & McConchie, 1986
Zygogynum clemensiae Vink, 2016
Zygogynum cristatum Vink, 1985
Zygogynum cyclopensis Vink, 2016
Zygogynum fraterculum Vink, 2003
Zygogynum haplopus Vink, 2014
Zygogynum longifolium Vink, 2016
Zygogynum megacarpum Bailey & Nast, 1943
Zygogynum montanum Vink, 2016
Zygogynum sororium Vink, 2016
Zygogynum staufferianum Vink, 2016
Zygogynum tanyostigma Vink, 1990
Zygogynum umbellatum Vink, 2016
Zygogynum vieillardi Bailey & Nast, 1943
Zygogynum pachyanthum Hotchkiss, 1955
Zygogynum semecarpoides var. whiteanum Hotchkiss, 1955
Zygogynum sylvestre Hotchkiss, 1955
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APSA, 2007a. Leucopogon collinus (Ericaceae). The Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas V1.0. Australian National University, Canberra. Available at:
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